Expanding the Bottle Bill

Odds are if you're visiting this blog, you know about recycling (and should be active in the act, and if not, shame on you) and how you can redeem your little tin soda/drink-filled cans for five cents at various locations. Well, the bottle bill in good ol' Massachusetts allows redemption on a limited amount of glass, tin and plastic containers.

If you were to put in a nestea container in one of the machines that crush the cans, the machine would spit it back out at you. Or if you were to put a Powerade container in one of the plastic redemption machines, it'd do the same thing. Water bottles, sports drinks, tea, all are not redeemable in the state of Massachusetts. As such, there's about $37 million dollars in recyclable goods are going unrenewed because there isn't an incentive to recycle them.

That's a ridiculous amount of recyclables going uncollected on. There needs to be an updating of the bottle bill, as with all that money extra the state could garner from the recyclables, the state could help encourage even more environmentally friendly options for recycling instead of tossing everything into an incinerator. Plus, it'd reduce roadside and litter in general. Why throw away that can on the beach when you can turn it in for money, after all?

Original Article: http://www.boston.com/bostonglobe/editorial_opinion/editorials/articles/2009/09/28/expand_the_bottle_bill/

- Kevin Almeida

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